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Dr Pepper Dark Berry Zero Sugar (Jurassic World Pyroraptor Limited Edition), 355ml

Currently unavailable

Dr Pepper Dark Berry Zero Sugar is a dark version of 23 legendary flavors enjoyed by generations. It starts with the distinct taste of Dr. Pepper, then adds darker fruit flavors like blackcurrant, blackberry and black cherry to provide a truly unique twist on the classic fizzy drink - all without the calories.


Gazirana voda in manj kot 2 %: karamelna barva, naravne in umetne arome, aspartam, kalijev acesulfam, natrijev benzoat (konzervans), citronska kislina, fosforjeva kislina, kofein, natrijev fosfat.

Nutritional values

Povprečna hranilna vrednost na 100 ml:

Energijska vrednost 0 kJ / 0 kcal
Maščoba 0 g
od tega: nasičene 0 g
Ogljikovi hidrati 0 g
od tega: sladkorji 0 g
Beljakovine 0 g
sol 0 g
