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Reese's Outrageous Bar, 41g | do 30.11.2022

0,49€ 2,99€
Currently unavailable

! Valid at least until 30/11/2022

Reese's Outrageous Bar King Size is great. Literally...it's perfect! It has caramel, but not too much, which is great if you don't like a lot of caramel at once. It has just enough to be a little tacky, with Reeces Pieces, which we all love anyway. Then some peanut butter, the most balanced perfect amount. Topped with milk chocolate. Oooh! The taste of Reese's Outrageous Bar King Size is amazing, the texture is a little crunchy from Pieces, a little chewy from caramel and melts in your mouth with peanut butter and chocolate. Seriously...so good.


MLEČNA čokolada (sladkor, kakavovo maslo, čokolada, MLEKO, LAKTOZA [MLEKO], MLEČNA maščoba, emulgatorji (SOJIN lecitin, E476]), sladkorji, ARAŠIDI, visoko fruktozni koruzni sirup, delno razmaščeni ARAŠIDI, hidrogenirano rastlinsko olje SOJINO olje], dekstroza, sladila (E420). Vsebuje 2 % ali manj: koruzni sirup v prahu, koruzni sirup z visoko vsebnostjo maltoze, olje palmovih jedrc, koruzni sirup, sol SIROTKA (MLEKA), koncentrat beljakovin sirotke (MLEKO), barvila (E110, E102, E129, E133), MLEčne beljakovine (kazeinat), sredstva za glaziranje (E904), emulgatorji (SOJIN lecitin), modificiran koruzni škrob, MLEčne beljakovine (natrijev kazeinat), umetne arome, antioksidanti (E331), glaziranje sredstva (E903), emulgator (E471), antioksidanti (E319, E330).

Nutritional values

Energijska vrednost 2043 kJ / 488 kcal
Maščoba: 24,4 g
od tega nasičene maščobe: 14,6g
Ogljikovi hidrati: 68,3 g
od tega sladkor: 58,5 g
Beljakovine: 7,3 g
Sol: 0,17 g
