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Stichos Italian Pomodoro, 50g | do 31.05.2023

0,49€ 2,79€
Currently unavailable

! Valid at least until 31/05/2023

Stichos Italian Pomodoroso tortillas are designed for real lovers of spicy chips! There are many chips in the form of small tubes in this package. Their specialty? Great taste of pomodoro tomatoes! This is an iconic Italian tomato that we love to use in sauce for its distinctive flavor. Of course, here we offer you the hot version... Get ready, there are three flames on the packaging... It will sting!


Hari Masa moka (koruzna** moka, regulator kislosti E524), voda, sončnično olje, mešanica začimb (sol, ojačevalec okusa E621, regulator kislosti E330, paradižnik v prahu, maltodekstrin, čili v prahu, čebula v prahu, rdeča pesa v prahu, česen v prahu) , sol, bazilika, origano, origano majaron, Lahko vsebuje MLEKO, JAJCE, SAMO **, ARAŠIDI, LEŠNIKI, ZELENA, SEZAMOVO SEME

Nutritional values

Hranilna vrednost na 100g:
Energijska vrednost: 1011kJ / 217 Kcal
maščobe 6.6 g
od tega nasičene maščobe 0.8 g
ogljikovi hidrati 35 g
od tega sladkor 0.5 g
beljakovine 4.4 g
sol 2.8 g
